Everyone deserves the chance to navigate their own way in life in a fulfilling way. Lebenshilfe Traunstein is committed to this with great voluntary work. For 16 years, the Freundes- und Förderkreis e. V. has supported efforts to fund this vital work. Unless the right funding is in place, individual counselling and the promotion of education and work will no longer be possible.
“Accompanying people on their life journeys like this helps the vulnerable and people with disabilities above all”, explains Chairman Hermann Steinmaßl. But it only works if all the stakeholders get involved: the state, municipalities and – above all – the relatives. “We want to work with the Freundes- und Förderkreis e. V. to also promote ways for people to actively participate in many areas of life,” reiterates Steinmaßl.
This requires various actions, projects and concrete support services for those facing such challenges in the Traunstein district. It is important that the support association supports both living and working sections of the community going forward.
With Freifrau Marion von Cetto and the other board members Klaus Mairhofer, Wolfgang Maier and Stefan Lauwitz, Hermann Steinmaßl has experienced and knowledgeable supporters to help in this quest. “Our jointly devised goals for the years ahead underpin the hopes of those with disabilities and their families. Thanks to funding from our committed members, we can provide them with the support they need to live a life full of opportunities and participation,” Freifrau Marion von Cetto describes her task as Deputy Chairperson of the organisation.
The new board of directors, from left: Klaus Mairhofer, Freifrau Marion von Cetto, Hermann Steinmaßl, Stefan Lauwitz, Wolfgang Maier.
These Lebenshilfe topics are not new. Since 1969, relatives, friends, and supporters have been committed to the integration of people with disabilities. The primary aim of this circle of friends and supporters remains to step in where regular financing no longer covers the costs. This includes very specific person-related aid for funding participation services for those in need, necessary aid materials, and also organizing events for participation in society.
Between the years 2019 and 2021, the organisation directly and unbureaucratically aided people with disabilities with almost 50,000 Euros. Freifrau Marion von Cetto, managing partner of Wolfram Industrie, made a generous donation to equip meeting spaces in a residential home of Lebenshilfe in Seeon. She extends her gratitude to the many craft companies involved in the construction of the new production halls of the metal-processing company, who also contributed to the design of the new residential building in Seeon with a donation.
Due to his political engagement at the district and state levels, Hermann Steinmaßl is equally interested in the political objectives of the support association and Lebenshilfe Traunstein. At the political level, the organisation advocates for the preservation of workshops for people with disabilities. The association members carry out important educational work on the relevance of these workplaces, which address the specific possibilities and abilities of people with disabilities. The workshops open up new work perspectives for people with disabilities. Without the cooperation with the companies that provide the premises and capacities, this work would not be possible.
Further information on the tasks of the Lebenshilfe Traunstein e. V. can be found on the website www.lebenshilfe-traunstein.de and by telephone on +49 861 209 70-0. We are pleased to welcome you as a new member.